Yesterday we reported on three ACORN chapters across the country that were reorganizing under other names. Today, two more have sprouted up.
Unsurprisingly, ACORN Chicago isn't going anywhere. The state chapter is now the Affordable Housing Centers of America. AHCA is located in the same office as ACORN Chicago and employs many of the same people. As we noted yesterday, the entire ACORN Housing apparatus seems to have reorganized under AHCA. Barack Obama used to work for ACORN Chicago during his community organizing days.
ACORN Missouri is now Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment. MORE doesn't have a website yet, but its Facebook page has been very active lately. (One posted item trumpets news of a new female condom.) MORE's founder, Jeff Ordower, is a former activist with ACORN Missouri.
Other regional ACORN front groups include New York Communities for Change, the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment, and New England United for Justice. It just goes to show that ACORN is restructuring rather than vanishing.
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