O'Keefe is the journalist who sneaked a hidden camera into ACORN offices while posing as a pimp. Along with partner Hannah Giles, who was dressed as a prostitute, he tried to obtain tax benefits for his supposed prostitution agency. In almost all of the videos, the fine folks at ACORN were more than willing to help the pair break the law. O'Keefe was later arrested in what seemed to be another sting gone horribly wrong in which he and three others, disguised as telephone repairmen, tried to gain access to Sen. Mary Landreiu's office.
O'Keefe's latest actions were dumb and possibly criminal...but nothing compared to the way Obama's government has treated the case. Here's what we know so far.
-- After his arrest, O'Keefe sat in prison for 28 hours without access to an attorney, which is against the law.
-- During that time, the FBI "accidentally leaked" an affadavit about the case to the press. This is despite the fact that FBI documents are rarely leaked like this. Investigators could never put a case together if the public was being constantly alerted to their actions.
-- Almost immediately, the press began reporting that O'Keefe was accused of trying to wiretap Landrieu's phones, even though the affadavit made no mention of wiretap charges. A few newsmen called it "Watergate Jr." Countless newspapers later had to issue corrections.
-- Shortly after the scandal broke, the head prosecutor for the case, U.S. Attorney Jim Letten, suddenly recused himself for reasons unknown. Andrew Breitbart, who has sponsored much of O'Keefe's journalism in the past, accused Letten of leaking the affadavit.
-- Five days earlier, Sen. David Vitter, a Republican but an ally of Letten's, had met with Attorney General Eric Holder. Vitter had been concerned that the Justice Department would try to replace Letten. Vitter came out of the meeting saying he was satisfied that Letten would be allowed to keep his job.
Now today comes news that ACORN may be tied up in this twisted web. The criminal group has been circling a petition asking supporters to "chip-in $52 to help us keep the pressure on O’Keefe and his corporate paymasters." So ACORN is applying "pressure" in the O'Keefe case? We already know the group has a direct line to the White House through Political Director Patrick Gaspard, whose number is in Bertha Lewis' rolodex.
Meanwhile, Obama's Justice Department looms in the background, which has tripped over itself to hurt O'Keefe, but can't be bothered to look into ACORN or voter intimidation by the Black Panthers.
So what the hell is going on here? Was Letten allowed to keep his job after he leaked the affadavit? Did ACORN lean on the White House to persecute O'Keefe? And why was O'Keefe denied an attorney for more than a day? It all looks like an outrageous miscarriage of justice so Obama and company can get revenge on O'Keefe.
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