There's something strange going on in New York. Governor David Paterson announced that he won't be running for reelection today, besieged by scandals. This isn't bad news. Paterson was a staunch left-winger and a terrible governor. But celebrations aside, there may be something more twisted going on here, and it involves a head honcho at the White House.
Patrick Gaspard, Obama's ACORN-linked political director, is no fan of Paterson's. Last year Gaspard tried to convince Paterson not to run for reelection, supposedly because the governor was so unpopular. Paterson refused and hit back hard, telling the White House to stay out of the race. That wasn't going to happen -- Gaspard has deep roots in New York. He used to work for the SEIU, as well as the Working Families Party, a political arm of ACORN based in the Big Apple. During the contentious special election in New York's 23rd District last year, Gaspard was described as the "air traffic controller," maneuvering to make sure that Democrat Bill Owens won the race. Gaspard is no stranger to these assignments. He has been nicknamed the Glue Man for his ability to hold disparate leftist crackpots together.
Ever since Paterson refused Gaspard, he's faced one scandal after another. The most recent involves a New York Times report alleging that he covered up the abuse of a woman on his staff. Barely two weeks ago, Paterson was also under attack over rumors that he shacked up with women and did drugs in the governor's mansion. Paterson adamantly denied the rumors to the Associated Press.
"Paterson attributed the rumors to news outlets and blogs other than the Times. He said that three sources contacted reporters at the start of Sunday's Super Bowl to leak word that he was about to resign, which he said he never contemplated.'It seems to be somewhat orchestrated,' Paterson said Tuesday of the rumors, on whose source he has declined to publicly speculate.
Could that orchestrated attack have come from the air traffic controller, the sinister Glue Man himself? All politicians have skeletons in their closets. But Paterson is the only one who watched all his dirty laundry aired in the New York press over the course of two weeks. It's just too much to be a coincidence.
But why is Paterson attacked? He may be unpopular, but he's still a slimy leftist like all of Obama's friends. The answer may lie in this article from the New York Daily News.
"As Gov. Paterson attempts a political comeback, there's one key constituency he so far isn't wooing: the Working Families Party.Paterson hasn't met with the lefty, labor-backed party's leaders since he replaced Gov. Eliot Spitzer last year, a WFP source confirmed."
It looks like Gaspard is still using his influence on New York politics to play political puppeteer for the Working Families Party. Andrew Cuomo, the attorney general supported by the White House to replace Paterson, has refused to investigate the WFP's ethical problems. Kirsten Gillibrand, who replaced Hillary Clinton as New York's junior senator, is constantly sucking up to the WFP. One WFP hack even whined, "Kirsten Gillibrand is being more solicitous of us than the governor is."
Spurning WFP is unacceptable to the power-hungry Gaspard, who wants personal control over every political race in the Empire State. The White House has supported Cuomo and Gillibrand adamantly, but not Paterson. Did it orchestrate this vicious campaign against Paterson to destroy his political career?
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