Health czar Nancy-Ann DeParle just finished a video question-and-answer session on the White House website. It was mostly the usual chatter about ObamaCare, but one thing really jumped out. When discussing the proposed excise tax on Cadillac health plans, DeParle said, "Do we really want to be spending that kind of money on our health care plans? ... Wouldn't you rather have that in your wages?"
DeParle sounds like a nanny scolding children. Her comment perfectly crystallizes Obama's attitude on pretty much everything. You don't really want to do that. We know that isn't good for you. People who buy expensive health care plans do so because the coverage is excellent, and they have plenty of other options. Obama is supposedly worried about the quality of care, yet he's slapping a huge tax on anyone who buys the best coverage in America.
DeParle also claimed that 47 million Americans don't have health care not because they opt out, but because they "can't afford it." As we have wearily explained over and over again, the Census Bureau says that isn't true. Of that 47 million, about 10 million are illegal immigrants. A further 17 million make more than $50,000 per year, but choose willingly not to carry health insurance. And an unknown third number qualify for Medicaid or some other government-funded health plan.
So the health czar is an Orwellian liar. Who would have guessed?
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