Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tyranny in Lloyd's Venezuelan utopia

FCC watcher Seton Motley has a great piece up at Newsbusters about just how Diversity Czar Mark Lloyd's Venezuelan media paradise is shaping up. Lloyd has lauded Hugo Chavez for seizing control of his country's TV and radio stations.
Here's the latest out of Venezuela from the AP:
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Friday defended the arrest of a major TV channel owner, calling him a criminal and denying the government is carrying out an assault on press freedom.
The back-to-back arrests this week of two government opponents - including the owner of Venezuela's only remaining anti-Chavez TV channel - have drawn accusations that Chavez is growing increasingly intolerant and authoritarian as his popular support has slipped.
Click here to read Motley's Newsbusters analysis.

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