Tuesday, March 30, 2010

EPA seizes control of coasts

The EPA made a stunning power grab this morning that went virtually unnoticed in the press.
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) today officially accepted the proposal to designate waters off the North American coasts as an Emission Control Area (ECA) – a move that will result in cleaner air for millions of Americans. Large ships that operate in ECAs must use dramatically cleaner fuel and technology, leading to major air quality and public health benefits that extend hundreds of miles inland. The ECA was proposed in March 2009 and the IMO adopted it in the fastest possible timetable.
Enforcing the stringent ECA standards will reduce sulfur content in fuel by 98 percent - slashing particulate matter emissions by 85 percent, and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions by 80 percent. To achieve these reductions, tougher sulfur standards will phase in starting in 2012, ultimately reaching no more than 1,000 parts per million by 2015. Also, new ships must use advanced emission control technologies beginning in 2016 which will help reduce NOx emissions.
This is the most sweeping environmental regulation yet by the EPA and its effects on the shipping industry could be devastating. Most of the ships that enter our waters are from other countries -- in other words, free trade. But if foreign nations have to pay exorbitant amounts of money to cut emissions on their ships, they may just decide trade isn't worth it after all. Regardless, the effect on American imports can only be detrimental.
In fact, we already know how this will play out. Buried in a short New York Times item on the EPA this morning was this bit of news.
In waters off California, where an emissions control zone extending 24 nautical miles from the coastline went into effect last year, cargo ships have been going out of their way to avoid the control area.
Now Obama's EPA has extended that emissions control zone in a loop around the entire country. It's now impossible for a ship to get in or out of U.S. and Canadian waters if it's polluting too much. What if the ships that went out of their way to avoid California's stringent rules now go out of their way to avoid American waters altogether? What if they decide it's just not worth it?


  1. All hail King Barack I, ruler of health, air and the sea.

  2. Maybe there would be more than zero comments if comments didn't just disappear into the ether.

  3. They aren't idiots. The destruction of America is intentional.
