Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Science czar used to be a global warming denier

John Holdren, Barack Obama's science czar and go-to advisor on climate change, is knee-deep in the negotiations at Copenhagen. There, the president is seeking a treaty that would drastically limit greenhouse gas emissions and hamper the economy.
Holdren and others have said repeatedly that climate change theory is based on sound science. But as recently as 1986, Holdren was predicting that so-called "carbon-dioxide-induced famines" could kill up to a billion people. Why? Man's emission of CO2 was going to cause global cooling which would bring about another ice age and kill off much of the world's food supply. Holdren fashioned the crisis to argue for compulsory population control. But as the atmosphere's temperature continued to increase incrementally over the next decade, Holdren quickly flip-flopped and began predicting that the earth would melt rather than freeze.
Why is Holdren advising the president instead of writing second-rate Choose Your Adventure apocalyptic fiction?

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