Monday, December 21, 2009

Blago to Rahm: Can I interest you in a House seat?

Disgraced Illinois governor and longtime Barack Obama friend Rod Blagojevich just can't seem to keep his fingers off of congressional seats.
"Illinois' ousted governor researched if he could keep the White House chief of staff's former U.S. House seat warm for him, The Chicago Sun-Times said Monday.
Records obtained by the newspaper showed John Harris, former Gov. Rod Blagojevich's top staffer, last year began researching whether the governor had the authority to appoint someone to temporarily fill Rahm Emanuel's Chicago congressional seat on the day Emanuel was named President Barack Obama's chief of staff.
The newspaper said Web browser histories from Harris' state-owned computer showed he conducted Google searches on the term 'temporary appointment to fill vacancies in the House of Representatives.'"
Emanuel's office shockingly didn't return phone calls on the matter. The White House has continually distanced itself from the radioactive former Illinois governor, but the record suggests otherwise. Obama and Emanuel both worked on Blago's campaigns and had a history of exchanging questionable political favors with Blagojevich. Of course Blago was indicted for trying to sell Obama's Senate seat but it looks like he wanted to keep the Illinois House seat under his command as well. Typical Chicago politics.

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