Last week, ObamaWatchNews reported on some drama surrounding Rahm Emanuel. After Leslie Gelb wrote a piece calling for Rahm's resignation, a column appeared later in the Washington Post defending Emanuel. Gelb said he believed the report had been written thanks to a leak from Rahm, who wanted to defend himself.
Today the Post ran another pro-Rahm puff piece headlined "Hotheaded Emanuel may be White House voice of reason." The piece confirmed many of our worst fears: Rahm Emanuel is the only levelheaded person at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Sourced by many of Rahm's closest henchmen, the article describes a pragmatic Emanuel surrounded by crazed ideologues. Early on in the administration, for example, Rahm warned the president that trying Khalid Sheik Mohammed in a civilian court would be a disaster. The president instead listened to his attorney general, Eric Holder, who was clamoring for a show trial in New York City. Emanuel also grew discouraged with the president's obsession with health care, wishing that he would shift focus to actually helping create jobs for people.
This is the situation in which America now finds itself: Rahm Emanuel, who once sent a dead fish to a political enemy, is the most sane person in the executive branch of government. What will become of Rahm? He's under attack by leftists to the point that he feels the need to stage newspaper articles defending himself. If he resigns, God only knows what will happen.
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