Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Finally: The stimulus creates lots of jobs!

Finally, after months of failure, the stimulus finally seems to be bringing down unemployment! Unemployment in other countries, that is.
Naturally, one of the largest programs in the Recovery Act funds renewable energy (progressive-speak for "windmills"). But there's just one problem, according to the Investigative Reporting Workshop:
"[M]ore than 80 percent of the first $1 billion in grants to wind energy companies went to foreign firms. Since then, the administration has stopped making announcements of new grants to wind, solar and geothermal companies, but has handed out another $1 billion, bringing the total given out to $2.1 billion and the total that went to companies based overseas to more than 79 percent.
In fact, the largest grant made under the program so far, a $178 million payment on Dec. 29, went to Babcock & Brown, a bankrupt Australian company that built a Texas wind farm using turbines made by a Japanese company."
Finally, outsourcing we can believe in. It's gotten so bad that a group of Democrat senators has sent a letter to Department of Treasury demanding that the program be halted until the government starts buying American. The effort is being led by Sen. Chuck Schumer. When even Chuck Schumer is bashing your spending program, you know it's a spectacular failure. Meanwhile the unemployment rate is still almost 10% and the national debt is still skyrocketing. So the stimulus has thus far spent money in imaginary zip codes and foreign countries. It's high time Obama got the program back on track and make sure its aid goes to all 57 states.

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