Thursday, January 7, 2010

Obama won't give up on radical pro-abortion nominee

Barack Obama has thrown many embattled political nominees under the bus, but not when there's a radical pro-abortion lawyer at stake. Today, Obama renominated his pick for the Office of Legal Council, Dawn Johnsen -- despite the fact that Johnsen is a legal zealot with frightening views on the issue of abortion.
Johnsen is one of the legal minds behind the Freedom of Choice Act, a proposed bill that would swing a wrecking ball at all state and local abortion restrictions in the nation, making abortion on demand the law of the land. In a 1989 abortion court case, Johnsen argued, "Statutes that curtail abortion choice are disturbingly suggestive of involuntary servitude, prohibited by the Thirteenth Amendment, in that forced pregnancy requires a woman to provide continuous physical service to the fetus in order to further the state’s asserted interest." She later compared pregnancy to the government "conscripting" a woman's body. In other words, being pro-life is the same as being pro-slavery. When questioned by Sen. Arlen Specter about these nutty statements, she lied to Congress, denying having ever made them.
Unsurprisingly, Johnsen cut her legal teeth at the National Abortion Rights Action League, and earlier at the ACLU.
There are plenty of radical judges and lawyers out there, but Johnsen has been nominated to head up the Office of Legal Counsel, the most important government agency no one's ever heard of. The OLC acts as a mini-Supreme Court for the executive branch. If the president wants to do something constitutionally questionable, he must first receive OLC approval.
Which makes Johnsen the perfect legal rubber stamper for Barack Obama's radical agenda.

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